Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The scanning was a success. The latest picture is the design we submitted for this juried work. The onion came on a platform designed to be bolted to a concrete slab. That wasn't in our plan and we are sorta having to work around it for the base. But, it is doable.

The challenge at the moment is the glass. Ever really look at an onion? It is brown and yellow and a combination of both. And we are spraying the back of the glass with a substance that smells really bad, but mirrors the surface of the glass, so when you look at the front of the glass you see yourself.

We have discovered that any texture in the glass distorts that, so it eliminates a whole raft of choices. And it has to be brown and yellow. The guys are likely going to make a trip to Tacoma to a wholesale place to look at glass. We have scraps that are close in color, but not quite right. We chewed up a whole can of the mirror spray and it is $10. a bottle and we are making no money on this project. Oh, a $50. stipend for entering. We sprayed every conceivable color and not found one that is suitable yet. But, we forge on being challenged each day as we go.

And in the midst of this Floyd got sick--an inner ear thing that messed up his equilibrium! And boys are so good when they are sick! He is fussing about not being here, but he would fall down, and Ron and I think that is unseemly.

Eileen Cackowski asked about the weight. We know it will be heavy and one thing our sick guy is doing is designing a roll around wagon for the onion. We have to be able to move it and so do the Onion Festival Folks. Not sure if we will ever be able to weigh it, but we are planning to count the little tiles and have a raffle to guess the number.

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